
Singulair 10 mg Tablet 28pcs

111.20 SAR
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  • Manufacturer: Singulair
  • Product Form: Tablets
  • Product Type: Tablets
  • Quantity: 28 Tablets

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About Product

<p><strong>Product Description:</strong></p> <p>What Montelukast is:</p> <ul> <li>Montelukast is a leukotriene receptor antagonist that blocks a group of substances called leukotrienes.</li> </ul> <p>How Montelukast works:</p> <ul> <li>The leukotrienes cause narrowing and swelling of the airways in the lungs. By blocking the leukotrienes, Montelukast improves asthma symptoms and helps control asthma.</li> <li>The leukotrienes also cause allergic symptoms.</li> <li>Blocking the leukotrienes improves seasonal allergic symptoms (also known as hay fever or seasonal allergic rhinitis ).</li> </ul> <p><strong>How To Use:</strong></p> <ul> <li>Always use this medicine exactly as your doctor has told you.</li> <li>Contact a doctor or pharmacist if you are unsure.</li> <li>Montelukast must not be used together with other medicines that contain the same active ingredient, montelukast.</li> <li>Montelukast should be taken even if the disease is under control, and during periods of worsening of the disease (asthma attacks).</li> </ul> <p>Use of Montelukast in children 6 to 14 years of age:</p> <ul> <li>The dose is determined by the doctor who adapts it for you or your child.</li> <li>The recommended dose for asthma and/or seasonal allergies is one 5 mg chewable tablet once a day.</li> <li>For patients with asthma , take Montelukast once daily in the evening.</li> <li>For patients with seasonal allergies , take Montelukast once daily as prescribed by the doctor.</li> <li>This medicine should be taken by mouth.</li> <li>5 mg chewable tablets should be chewed before swallowing.</li> <li>If the chewable tablet is taken with food, it should be taken 1 hour before or 2 hours after food.</li> </ul> <p>Use of Montelukast in adults and adolescents over 15 years of age:</p> <ul> <li>The dose is determined by the doctor who adjusts it for you.</li> <li>The recommended dose for asthma and/or seasonal allergies is one 10 mg tablet once a day.</li> <li>For patients with asthma , take Montelukast once daily in the evening.</li> <li>For patients with seasonal allergies , take Montelukast once daily as prescribed by your doctor.</li> <li>This medicine should be taken by mouth.</li> <li>10 mg tablets can be swallowed with a little water, and can be taken alone or with food.</li> </ul> <p>If you or your child takes too much Montelukast:</p> <ul> <li>Contact your doctor immediately for advice.</li> <li>Most of the overdose reports report no side effects.</li> <li>The most common symptoms reported in adults and children with overdose are abdominal pain, sleepiness , thirst, headache, vomiting and hyperactivity.</li> <li>If you forget to take Montelukast or give Montelukast to your child</li> <li>Try to take or give Montelukast as prescribed. However, if you or your child miss a dose, just continue with the usual dosage of one tablet daily.</li> <li>You should not take or give a double dose to replace a missed dose.</li> </ul> <p>If you or your child discontinue treatment with Montelukast:</p> <ul> <li>Montelukast can only treat your or your child's asthma or allergies as long as you or your child continue to take it.</li> <li>It is important that you or your child continue to take Montelukast for as long as your doctor has prescribed it. It will help you to control your or your child's asthma and allergies .</li> <li>Ask your doctor or pharmacist if you have any questions about the use of this medicine.</li> </ul> <p><strong>Warnings and precautions:</strong></p> <p>Talk to your doctor or pharmacist before you or your child use Montelukast:</p> <ul> <li>If your or your child's asthma or breathing gets worse, contact your doctor immediately.</li> <li>Montelukast in tablet form is not intended to treat acute asthma attacks.</li> <li>If a seizure occurs, follow the instructions your doctor has given you.</li> <li>Always have your emergency medicine available.</li> <li>It is important that you or your child take the medicine as prescribed by your doctor.</li> <li>Montelukast should not be used in place of other asthma medicines your doctor has prescribed for you or your child.</li> <li>Any patient using asthma medication should be aware that if they develop a combination of symptoms including a flu-like sensation, tingling or numbness in the arms and legs, worsening lung symptoms and/or rash, they should contact their doctor.</li> <li>You or your child should not take aspirin or anti-inflammatory drugs (also known as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or nsaids ) if they make your asthma worse.</li> </ul> <p><strong>Ingredients:</strong></p> <p>Composition of Montelukast</p> <ul> <li>The active substance is respectively 5 mg OR 10 mg montelukast.</li> </ul> <p>Forms of Monteulkast:</p> <ul> <li>5 mg chewable tablet.</li> <li>10 mg tablet.</li> </ul>

Product Reviews

4.6/ 514 ratings

استخدمته صحيح ساعدني في تحسن حالتي الصحية ولكن سبب لي اكتئاب فضيع اللي عنده اعراض اكتئاب لا يستخدمه .

Alsuw .2 years ago

لعلاج حساسيه الصدر وحساسيه الجيوب الانفيه والربو ومشاكل التنفس

1مجهول .4 years ago
منتج ممتاز

ممتاز جدا ف علاج حساسيه الصدر لازم الاستمرار عليه وكمان ممتاز ل مرضي الربو

Shorouk .4 years ago

زوجي يستخدمه كحمايه من الاصابه ب حساسيه الصدر وجدا ممتاز

Manar16 .4 years ago

يستخدم مع ادوية حساسية الصدر والجيوب الانفية للوقاية من تكرار الحساسية والحساسية المزمنة ينصح باستخدامه ٣ شهور او حسب استشارة الطبيب

Semsemas911 Semsemas911 .4 years ago

علاج حالات الربو المزمنة للكبار هذا بالإضافة أيضاً إلى فائدة المستحضر العالية في القيام بتخفيف أعراض حساسية الأنف

4 years ago