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Nahdi Cotton Ball 100 pcs

18.00 SAR
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Rating4.9 (113)
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  • Manufacturer: Nahdi
  • Product Form: Cotton
  • Product Type: Cotton Ball
  • Quantity: 100 Pcs

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About Product

Product Description:

Nahdi Cotton Ball 100 pcs are 100% pure soft cotton balls for daily use. These are fluffy softballs that are suitable for various needs. These are highly absorbent cotton balls and are very helpful in case of threading, make-up, and nail polish removal. They are very easy to use, hygienic, and can clean any part of a baby's delicate skin. Made of pure cotton and lenient weaving, which cleans delicate skin with no harsh rashes. The cotton balls are absorbent, as they absorb all the unwanted moisture and can wipe ears, clean underarms, and other delicate areas of your body to avoid skin rashes. They absorb all the dust and keeps the surface dry and disease-free. Cotton balls are an essential part of everyday hygiene, skincare, and family needs.

100% cotton, ideal for baby skin, and other delicate areas of your body

Fluffy softballs clean body areas gently with no skin rashes or irritation

Hygienic and soft product

Highly absorbent. Easily absorbs sweat and keeps the surface dry and disease-free

Removes nail polish and make-up.

It is easy to use

Available in 100 pieces per pack

Used in the medical ground to stop bleeding from minute cuts, and also for cosmetic purposes. It is an essential part of everyday family needs

How to use:

Using cotton balls for face
o Cotton balls have a textured surface and can exfoliate dead skin

o It’s a better option as compared to other exfoliation alternatives available in the market. Exfoliate products are harsh and can cause skin rashes, but cotton balls are the best for sensitive skin

o Fold the cotton bud into half

o Sparkle a few drops of water on it

o Apply it on your skin. Gently massage it against your face in a circular motion for an effective exfoliation

Using cotton buds for cleaning baby’s eyes, ears, and nose
o Soak the cotton balls in warm water

o Clean the corners of the baby’s eye by gently wiping it from inside corners to outside corners

o Use a new cotton ball and repeat the process for the other eye

o Gently wipe behind and around each ear and nose

Use cotton buds to remove nail polish
o Dip the cotton balls in acetone

o Cover each nail with the cotton balls

o Let it dry for 5 minutes

o Take a new set of cotton balls, dip them in acetone and firmly press it against your nails and remove the nail polish

Caution & Warnings:

The product is for external use only

Keep it away from children

Keep it away from fire

Store it in cool, dry places away from sunlight

Do not swallow as it can cause intestine blockage and severe pain

Product Details:

  • Manufacturer: Nahdi
  • Product Form: Cotton
  • Product Type: Cotton Ball
  • Quantity: 100 Pcs

Product Reviews

4.9/ 5113 ratings
قطن ممتاز للبشره

استخدمته مع ازالة المكياج ممتاز وناعم على البشره وسعره مناسب جدا

er20000 .4 years ago
Shimaa 123

كرات قطن ممتازه لها استخدامات كتير مثل تنظيف البشره ومع التوتر وإزالة الميك اب وازاله طلاء الاظافر وتنظيف خلف الأذن استخدمه البيبي لأنه مررره ناعم

Shimaa 123 .4 years ago

أحب جدا المنتجات التي أستخدمها مع طفلي مرة رائعه في التنظيف لبشرة الطفل الحساسة وأستخدمها أيضا تكون لطيفة جدا

Israaaa .4 years ago

بستخدم كرات فى عده اغراض للنظافه الشخصيه وهى ممتازه الصراحه مصنوعه من قطن نقى لايسبباى اذى للبشره انصحكم بيه

4 years ago

كرات القطن تحفه وما بتسبب حكه كتير استخدمها لازاله المكياج

mona ahm .4 years ago

طبي ناعم جدا بيستخدم لتطهير الجروح مع مطهر او لازالة طلاء الاظافر او مع ال dry cleanser البشرة استخداماته عديدة

Doctor soe .4 years ago
جميل جدا

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Gege .4 years ago

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