Frida Baby - NoseFrida Pharmacy Pack

74.66 AED
82.95 AED
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Frida Baby - NoseFrida Pharmacy Pack
  • Genuine brands

  • Temperature Controlled

  • Secure Payment

About Product

Product Description:

It's smart, it's Swedish, it's maybe a little strange. it's the doctor-invented nasal aspirator what actually works! to use: place large tube against child's nostril (not inside), creating a seal. use red mouthpiece to snuck out snot.

How to use:

Disposable Hygiene filters should be in place to prevent mucus or bacterial transfer.

Place large tube against child's nostril (not inside), creating a seal.

Use red mouthpiece to suck the snot out.

After Snot Sucking Session, dispose of filter.

Wash large tube with warm soap and water. Clean thin tube with a few drops of rubbing alcohol.

Firmly snap dry pieces together, inserting a new filter for the next use.

Caution & Warnings:

Tube does not go inside the nose, so baby will not get injured if he/she moves.

Only use NoseFrida for nasal aspiration-do not use in ears or throat.

Do not blow air into red mouthpiece while tube is placed at child's nostril.

NoseFrida is NOT a toy- keep all parts away from children.

Never attach NoseFrida to a machine.

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