
أوباجي بروفيشنال سي ميكروديرمابراجن بوليش + قناع

563.20 درهم
704.00 درهم
تخفيضوفر20 %
نقاط نهديك537 نقطة
Rating3.7 (63)
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أوباجي بروفيشنال سي ميكروديرمابراجن بوليش + قناع

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<p><strong>هل تحتاج إلى مساعدة؟</strong> <br />تواصل معنا أو تحدث مع الصيدلي</p>

هل تحتاج إلى مساعدة؟
تواصل معنا أو تحدث مع الصيدلي

عن المنتج

وصف المنتج:

  • Professional-C يحتوي قناع التقشير الدقيق + قناع على بلورات فائقة الدقة تساعد بشكل فعال على التخلص من الطبقات الأكثر سطحية للبشرة ، وإزالة الحطام السطحي المتراكم وتعزيز صحة الجلد.

  • كما أنه يحتوي على زيت فاكهة التوت البحري لبشرة صحية المظهر.

ارشادات الاستخدام:

  • الخطوة 1: افركي طبقة رقيقة ومتساوية على بشرة نظيفة ورطبة ، مع تجنب منطقة العين.

  • الخطوة 2: اتركيه لمدة 10-15 دقيقة.

  • الخطوة: 3 قد تشعر بوخز خفيف.

  • الخطوة 4: يمسح ويشطف بالماء الدافئ.

  • يستخدم من 2 إلى 3 مرات أسبوعيا.

تفاصيل المنتج:

    تعليقات المنتج

    3.7/ 563 التقييمات
    Skin burns

    [This review was collected as part of a promotion.] Obagi sent me a sample with my lash serum. After only a few minutes on, my skin started burning. I removed the mask with cool water, but it was too late. My face is covered with painful, red splotches. It hurts and my skin looks terrible!

    D.Mommy.Riot .منذ ٣ أشهر
    Red blotchy results

    I love Obagi products, so I had high hopes for this polish and mask. I only leave it on for 10 minutes and do not scrub, but it is leaving my face blotchy with red spots. And my skin is not sensitive.

    AnitaD .منذ ٤ أشهر
    Love this polish!

    [This review was collected as part of a promotion.] I love this! It truly is like a little mini microdermabrasian in a can. The first time I used it, I didn't use enough product and i tried to scrub it off in the shower which was a disaster. The second time, I put a slightly thicker coat on and exfoliated it off with a washcloth. It felt much better that time and I really felt the difference. I followed it up with the Obagi Hydrate Light moisturizer which was the PERFECT combination. I really feel like those two products are a match made in heaven. Love and I'll be buying this combo forever and using it in between my microderm and microneedling sessions!

    Mindy .منذ ١٠ أشهر
    Product completely dried out

    I’ve used Obagi products daily for 31 years. I have alway been pleased with the skin care line. I still use the product exclusively. This product was old or a knock off. I’m very unhappy and wasted my money. I open the jar for the first time and it was solid rather than creamy. Don’t buy it.

    Vitto .منذ عام واحد
    Hard consistency, waxy feeling & strong

    My biggest complaint with this product is that the consistency in the container is very hard and you have to scrape at it just to get a small amount out to use. Not sure if that is normal or not because this was the first time I used it. It also felt like a layer of grease was still on my face even after rinsing it off, so I ended up re-washing my face. Lastly, it felt a bit strong for my forehead. Maybe this product just isn't for me, but I'm not sure I would recommend it. Wish I could return it.

    KathySC .منذ عام واحد
    C polish mask

    I bought this to exfoliate but it is so thick and waxy feeling. I even tried using this in the shower… I don’t like the residue.

    Starcity65 .منذ عامين
    Caused a chemical burn

    I am not sure if I did something incorrectly with this product, but I scooped some out, used a little water to soften it, and then scrubbed it all over my face and left it on for maybe a little too long? I washed it off after about 20 minutes, or should I say attempted to wash it off but I felt like I couldn't get all the product off and when I woke up in the morning I had a bad chemical burn all over my face. I had actual blistering across my forehead and the tops of my cheeks were puffy,swollen and bright red. The rest of my face was red, splotchy and tender. Kind of the opposite of how you want to wake up after using a product. I really hope the product didn't cause damage to my skin. I have used the product before and I didn't experience this, but that was a sample jar? I did like the sample product, hence why I proceeded to buy the full product. But now I am afraid to use it....

    acoggins989 .منذ عامين
    Hard to scoop out

    Product is way too hard to scoop out of the jar. I recommend scooping out some and add a little water and mix it in your hand and apply.

    Becky .منذ عامين